Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hamilton Night Glow

Here is another post that should have been published ages ago. Notice the way I use the word publish, like I'm running a proper newspaper. But I'm not. It's just a regular blog you see. I write stuff, you read them. Just a regular blog...

There is an annual event here in Hamilton called "Balloons over Hamilton". I won't be bothered describing it to you guys, since it pretty much explains itself. Like, it's really obvious. Balloons... Over Hamilton... Just a bunch of balloons you see, flying over Hamilton. So... Yeah, we went there, to a thing they call "Hamilton Night Glow". Once again, pretty self explanatory. Balloons... In the dark... Glowing... You can imagine. Or if you can't be bothered, just look at the pictures i took.

Some of the pictures, or probably all of them, are a bit blurry. I can think of multiple reasons why this can be, the most obvious one being alcohol. Anyway, the firework looks cool and the whole gig was great fun. We didn't really see much of the balloons everyone was talking about, but that's alright. And just as a footnote, it was also the "Earth Hour" that night. That means everyone on the planet should turn of all their lights in order to stop global warming or something like that. I have never seen that many cellphones in use at one place in my entire life. Hang ten! No, what's this? Call me!


  1. Hallo snuppis;
    det tar jo 20 år å læs bloggen på "ut`nlannjsk" når æ ennjdelig va jænnom så skriv du like godt uansett språk;c) Det e svære ting som skjer runnjt dæ. litt større opplevelse ennj om du skullj ha studert på NTNU ;c) Hærlig!! pappa ha vel oppdatert dæ unnjerveis, men litt skjer her å; Rigatur med farmor, eva, ingrid og sunniva var bare supert. 16 par nye sko og 3 nye kofferta fordelt på 5 damer. 25 grader i 4 daga og masse hærlige opplevelse (skullj itj tru det i Riga) Te helga fær æ på hytta med 3 damer og pappa e så Fosen-klein at hannj skal ligg i båten unnjer båtpuss. Tulljing !! Hørt du etterlyst bilda av Mathilda; dæm ligg innj på Facebooken min så du finnj dem der;c) Kanj du send mæ adressen din så vi får sennjt kjøttkak-saus te dæ ??? ....pappa skullj helsta ha steika ferdig kjøttkakan å hannj, det e vel itj nå sjakktrækk !!! Nå annja vi ska lægg ved da??
    Sennje dæ invitasjon te 50 års dagen å, så du får plott innj dato ;c)) Bøttevis med klæmma og gode tanka fra Jorun

  2. Good blog. I only just got to read it. Busy day today. didnt even get a lunch break, yea. Just work down at the mill.

  3. Yeah, might just head on down, have a couple of drinks, catch up with some ladies. Alright! Looking good you guys, looking good... Don't know why I'm talking to you, HAHHH! I'll just head on down...

    Jason, I'm in! JASON!!! Jason, tell Rachel, she's got my bag!!!
