Thursday, October 8, 2009

Totally mad, but beautiful

Same procedure as last year miss Sophie? Same procedure as every year James! This film might not have singing reindeers in it, but it does have dead seagulls. It's produced by the same guys that made the last one, and is equally mad and beautiful. If you feel like it I would recommend a quick skim through their video archive on Vimeo, as it is one quite out of the ordinary.

Laws of the day: Connecticut

In Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, men are prohibited to kiss their wives on Sundays. Pedestrians also risk a solid fine if they try to cross the road on their hands.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beautiful, but totally mad

This is the wierdest thing I have seen on Vimeo for quite a while. The cinematography is awesome, but the content is just completely off the hook! No meaning at all. Loved it! Just have a look and see if you can get anything logical out of the experience. And press the HD button, I'm not kidding when I say it's beautiful.